With moovebox

StoreYou click, we store !

More than just a storage facility

With Moovebox, store your belongings in complete confidence.

Because our priority is the safety of your belongings, we offer nothing less than excellence. An ultra-secure storage centre, Moovers ready to respond to all your requests 6 days a week, exclusive courier service to retrieve your belongings in one click, customised rates according to the size of your storage needs… We know that storing your belongings requires trust in your provider. This is why we offer you a premium service with no time commitment and full transparency.

Store your goods whatever your needs are

With Moovebox, there is no time commitment

We are aware that the needs of our clients vary according to the situation. Moving abroad, going on a trip, renovation or decoration work, the move of a relative, a change of life, the arrival of a happy event, inheritance… Each situation is unique. This is why we offer you a tailor-made service with no time commitment, with the possibility of recovering your belongings anywhere in the world at any time.

Secure storage centre

You can sleep soundly : Moovebox is watching. Your belongings are stored in an ultra-secure isolated centre monitored 24 hours a day by our teams and equipped with a video surveillance system and anti-intrusion alarms. To cover all eventualities, your belongings are placed in wooden containers made in France : protected from rodents, humidity, pests, light. And in our storage centres, no one comes in and out except our Moovers…

Tailor-made storage offer

At Moovebox, we know the importance of flexibility. That’s why we offer you customised rates calculated according to the size of your storage needs. Once your goods have been stored, our teams remain at your disposal 6 days a week. And thanks to the courier option, you have access to your inventory day and night and can recover all or part of your belongings within 48 hours in France and anywhere in the world. To do this, nothing could be simpler: you just need to make a return request directly in your personal space. There is no time commitment, so you can stay as free as a bird…

Premium insurance option

At Moovebox, we insure all your belongings at every stage of our service, from removal to storage. But if you have valuable possessions (works of art, collectibles, jewellery or other items), we offer premium insurance to ensure that nothing is left to chance. Once you have taken out this insurance, we guarantee the reimbursement of all your belongings up to their value in the event of a problem.

Are you interested in our service ?

Talk to one of our Moovers and choose the solution that suits you…