

How much does a storage unit cost and some tips on how to reduce costs.

The need to store things outside of one’s home or business can arise at any time. It can be for a move, a renovation, a seasonal activity or to store construction equipment for example. Furniture repositories are a practical and secure solution to store your belongings in complete peace of mind. But what is the average price of a furniture repository and how to reduce costs? That’s what we’ll see in this article.

What is the average price of a storage unit?

The price of a storage unit can vary considerably depending on different criteria such as the type of storage unit, the volume to be stored, the duration of the storage, the insurance, the services offered or even the location.

It is important to know that storage in the provinces is more interesting in terms of costs, but it is even more so if the volumes are substantial.

Here is a table of average storage prices in Paris and in the provinces.

Average price of storage - insurance included

The criteria that influence the price of a storage unit.

The type of storage unit

The type of storage unit is one of the criteria that most influences the price. There are different types of furniture repositories, the main ones being traditional storage, in wooden boxes for example, and self-storage.

Traditional storage facilities are the cheapest, but they may not be suitable for everyone, as their access is limited. They are more suitable for long term storage. Individual self-storage units are more expensive but offer more flexibility.

The volume to be stored

The volume to be stored is an important criterion for the price of a storage unit. The larger the volume, the higher the price. It is therefore essential to estimate the volume of your belongings before choosing a storage facility.

The duration of the storage

The duration of the storage is also an important criterion for the price. In general, the longer the duration, the lower the price. Some companies even offer a sliding scale of prices depending on the length of the storage period.


Insurance can be included in the price of the storage unit or offered as an option. It is necessary to check the proposed guarantees and the possible exclusions before subscribing an insurance.

The proposed services

Some furniture repositories offer additional services such as the collection and delivery of goods, the provision of handling equipment, 24-hour surveillance, etc. These services can increase the price, but they can be very practical in certain situations.


The location is also a criterion influencing the price of a furniture repository. In general, furniture repositories located on the outskirts of large cities and in the provinces are less expensive than those located in the city center.

Solutions to store your belongings at a lower cost.

There are several solutions to store your belongings at a lower cost, here are some of them:

Opting for a storage facility outside the big cities: if you live in the city, you can choose a storage facility located in the suburbs or in a nearby city. The prices will generally be lower than in the city center.

Choose a storage facility according to the duration of storage: if you need to store your belongings for a long time, you can choose a storage facility with a sliding scale of charges according to the duration of storage.

Choose a storage unit according to the size of the goods to be stored: if you have few things to store, choose a small storage unit to avoid paying for useless space. On the other hand, if you have a lot of things to store, choose a larger storage facility so that you are not constrained by space. Some furniture repositories offer prices based on volume, while others offer prices based on floor space. Renting by volume, i.e., by the cubic meter, is always more interesting.

Use an all-in-one storage service: companies like Moovebox offer all-in-one storage services. With Moovebox, you benefit from a collection of your belongings, their storage in a secure warehouse, according to your exact volume, and their delivery anywhere in the world if you wish to recover certain goods at any time. This solution avoids you the travel and handling and can be advantageous in terms of cost.

In summary, the price of a storage facility depends on many criteria such as the type of storage facility, the volume to be stored, the duration of the storage, the insurance, the services offered and of course the location. To reduce costs, it is possible to opt for a storage facility outside of major cities, to choose a storage unit according to the volume to be stored or to use an all-in-one storage service such as Moovebox.

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